Slingbox- Your TV Coming to a PC Near You
JUST HEARD ABOUT this great new tech toy from our friend Rob Sherman. It’s called a Slingbox (site no longer available), and with it, you can watch your home’s cable TV, satellite TV, or DVR programming from any internet-connected TV or cellphone anywhere in the world! Live! You can even change your channels. Rob says […]
Nigerian Fax Scam
OMG! I JUST RECEIVED a Nigerian email scam on my fax machine! So now I guess it’s the Nigerian fax scam. Well, actually, it came from South Africa, so I guess it would be the South African Fax Scam. Should I send them some money? Seriously, Nigerian scams can be deadly! Advanced Fee Frauds, says […]
Is MCSE A Waste of Time?
CAME ACROSS AN article at eWeek is saying that employers are no longer impressed with certain certifications, and that they don’t command the pay scale that they once did. MCSE in particular was named – by one IT manager – as a certification that is “a dime a dozen”. He says there is no way to […]
Legal Bud?
YOU MAY HAVE BEEN getting emails or comments on your MySpace profile advertising “legal bud”, “legal herb”, etc. Don’t believe them! The ads are coming from servers in Hong Kong, and their IP addresses change every few minutes. It is believed that the sites are set up just to collect credit card numbers. We first […]
Photoshop Express
ADOBE HAS LAUNCHED it’s new Photoshop Express beta. It’s an free online toned-down version of Photoshop, and can be found here. It’s geared towards the new generation of users who edit, store and share photos online. It’s much easier to learn than Photoshop, and since it is web-based, it can be used with any type […]
Possibly the Best-Ever Encryption Program
MY NEPHEW IS A PROGRAMMER. Sort of an old-school programmer, one who tries to make his programs small and efficient. He has developed a small but nifty encryption program, and a site to go with it. It’s called InfoGuard. It’s not a fancy-looking program, but it works. You can download a trial version, which will […]
Free Security Check for Your Computer
THINK YOUR COMPUTER IS SAFE from hackers, trojans, worms, and other dangers while you are online? Might be. And then again it might not. Here’s a great, easy, free way to find out. Go to Steve Gibson’s Gibson Research Center (that’s him in the pic) and use their probe called ShieldsUP! ShieldsUP! is a remote […]
Free 125 x 125 Banners
JAY HUNTER, over at Scribbles & Words, is offering a free 125 x 125 banner design, in exchange for a post on your blog or site – or for $10. But just until the end of April 2008! After April, no more freebies, and the price goes up to $25. We liked his site so much that we […]