Though the internet is an invaluable resource for information of all kinds, it has yet to become as comfortable or as reputable as a good old-fashioned book.
If you want to learn a little more about computing then reference books and guides are the way to go and these top 10 releases of 2009 will help you get there.

The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of FacebookThis book has received a lot of coverage both online and off. It supposedly tells the true story of how the creators of one of the world’s most popular social networking sites came into their fortunes. It is a story of sex, betrayal and the lives lived by students at one of the most prestigious universities in the world. An enthralling read.

Official Ubuntu Book 4th EditionIf you are looking to come to grips with the Linux-based free operating system of choice then this is the book you have to read. Because Ubuntu is an open-source project, the book is filled with guides and advice from the people who have had a hand in creating the software.

Microsoft Windows 7 UnleashedGiven that Microsoft`s latest OS has only just been released, the quickest way to get the most out of the new software is to read this exhaustive tome.
iPhone for Dummies, Third Edition
Continuing in the proud tradition of the For Dummies range, this is a comprehensive look at the hardware and software capabilities of the newest iPhone; the 3Gs.
The Memory System
In order to better understand the correct path to efficiency within computing, this is an essential book to add to your collection. Suitable for professionals and computing academics only.
Mastering Autodesk Inventor 2010
If you have an idea that you need to realise in 2D or 3D then this is the most exhaustive how-to you could ever need. The book comes with a DVD full of instructional videos and designing anything from a toy car to a tank could be possible once you have mastered Autodesk Inventor.
Mobile Peer to Peer
This is going to be an important book for those looking to the future of mobile communication. It details the programming skills and techniques needed to set up P2P networking between mobile devices and the potential functions this will offer.
Protocol Politics
This book addresses a serious problem that the world is facing; that there are only a finite number of internet addresses and that we are reaching that limit extremely quickly. Covering the economic, political and social impacts of the Internet Protocols upon which the world now relies.
All a Twitter
The Twitter phenomenon has come out of nowhere and produced a movement with more political and social clout than every other social networking site put together. This book addresses the question of how to benefit and work within the micro-blogging framework to your advantage.
TCP/IP For Dummies, Sixth Edition
If you are constantly checking out broadband deals online and trying to get the best possible connection in your own home or office then this is the book for you. Network administrators and amateurs will love what this complete guide has to offer.