Sirius Radio. XM Radio. SIRIUS XM Radio. Yes, they’ve merged. But they still have separate websites, and both are offering free 3 day trials of their Internet Radio for your computer.
It’s 100% Commercial-Free Music from every imaginable genre, plus Sports, News, Talk and Comedy. They have music stations that play only 60s music, 70s, 80s, Reggae, Blues, Country, R&B, Rock, you name it!
Sign up here for a free 3-day trial of Sirious Radio.
Sign up here for a free trial of XM’s Internet Radio. But don’t sign up for both at the same time! Use one, then the other.
Sign up for a free trial of Sirius Radio here.
Looking around the net, I’ve found a lot of people preferring one company over the other. If you try them both, come back and let us know what you think.
Here’s a nice litte how-to on using Audacity to record the internet music you listen to. (Check the terms of service first!)
Be sure to listen to the Blue Collar Comedy channel. It’ll make ya grin!
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