Your business is recognized by its name and services, however, the design of your brand’s logo is equally important for your business. It is usually best to get your logo designed by a professional graphic designer, however, if you feel you can come up with a great design on your own, there’s no reason for you not to give it a try. To make it simpler, here are a few attributes of logo design to keep in mind when designing your own logo.
Make the Logo Design Unique
There are thousands of companies out there and each one has a logo, so there is a chance of one logo being similar to another. Ensure that your logo stands out in the cluster of other designs. Research well what design would go with the product or service you provide and try to design a logo that is unique but relevant for your brand. A little creativity can help you design a simple but unique logo.
Conceptualize the Logo
Some of the best logos are also the ones that are most apparent and simple. A good example is the logo for Shell Oil; it is simple and is relevant to the brand name. Understanding the concept of the design is important, so that it speaks about the name of your business. The idea is to connect with the target audience or viewers so that the logo comes across as something clever but still perceptible.
Make the Logo Easy on the Eye
Avoid clustered designs or confusing graphics in the logo design. Some of the most famous logos are clean and easy on the eye, like that of Apple or McDonalds. You can incorporate the brand name in the logo and still make it standout and stylish. the best example of this is the logo for Coca Cola or FedEx.
Size Does Matter
Keep in mind that your logo may need to be displayed in every size possible, right from the company letter head to billboards for advertising. Due to this it is important to design a logo that will look equally well in extreme sizes. There should be a balance between the shape and the design so it will not lose its credibility when it is blown up on a poster. A good example is the Mercedes logo; it looks classy and well-detailed on a billboard as well as on paper.
The Right Use of Color
Make use of colors based on the product or brand that you design for. If your brand deals with products that are meant for kids or have a casual outlook, use different colors (example Baby Best or Google). If your business sensibilities are based on a corporate structure like a bank or a designer brand, opt for something classy like an amalgamation of two or three colors (example Christian Dior or Citibank).
These are some of the important aspects that you need to keep in mind when designing a logo. The key is to create something that is eye-catching, but at the same time represents your brand in every way.
Author KC Mouli is a freelancer blogger who loves to blog about anything tech related, from Logo design to software design and development topics. Do check out some of the other posts and please share this post on your favorite web 2.0 site.