16GB PD16 USB Flash Drive for $31.69, and the shipping is free! I found a reference to this on a Squidoo lens titled Fun Flash Drives. I have an 8g flash drive that I paid $30 for, and thought it was an excellent bargain. So this is a bargain x2.
Here’s the link to the flash drive. It’s an affiliate link, but it doesn’t belong to me – it belongs to the person who wrote the lens. I don’t know her. She’s a mother of 4 and calls herself “the homeopath”. Funny thing for a homeopath to make a Squidoo lens on.
I used her affiliate link. I don’t really want to go through the affiliate sign-up process just to pass this news along to you. I guess I could have posted the link without the affiliate ID. But since the Homeopath turned me on to the bargain, I might as well pass that little bit of change back to her.
I never have understood the thinking, even though I have been guilty of doing it myself, of removing the affiliate ID from a link before you visit a site. Unless you’re an affiliate yourself, and the company you are affiliated with will allow their own affiliates a discount, why remove the affiliate ID from the link? It isn’t going to make your purchase cost any less. There’s no benefit for you at all.
Is it some sort of human-nature-thing to not let anybody “use” you? Or does it somehow make you feel like the affiliate is taking money out of your pocket?