7 Best Virtual Infrastructure Management Tools

Virtualization Tools

In order to get the most out of your virtualization infrastructure, you need to make sure you have the right tools. With the best kinds of virtual infrastructure management tools you will be able to monitor and troubleshoot performance problems, identify network components, migrate files, manage virtual machine lifecycles and a number of other important functions as well. Using some of the best virtualization tools can help to ease the burden of management and monitoring tasks. Here is a list of some of the top virtual infrastructure management tools on the market.

1. VKernel Search MyVM – This tool is a free virtual appliance that allows administrators to obtain information on any of the components of a VI3 environment. It gives you the ability to see which virtual machines have snapshots enabled or which have VMware tools installed. Its interface is user friendly and has a query builder to create criteria based on your needs.

2. Veeam FastSCP with Veeam Backup – Veeam FastSCP enables you to move files to and from a windows client to an ESX host, a vCenter server or a Linux host through a native interface. While browsing the server, all hosts are enumerated in their cluster and data center configuration to create a transparent interface for exchanging files.

3. Akorri’s BalancePoint – This tool helps you to monitor the frequent disconnections that occur between virtual hosts, storage systems, networks and applications. It will collect the data and display it in a report indicating the source of the problem. It also offers the GuidePoint application which makes recommendations based on the monitored data and modeling of the workload across the various components of a virtual infrastructure.

4. Embotics V-Commander – The web-based interface of this tool allows you to manage a VM’s expiration date, cost center, approval status, and other management elements. It follows the activity of vCenter server for each VM component in real time. It displays resource pools, clusters, hosts and data centers to provide a solid lifecycle management option in several critical areas.

5. Reflex Systems Virtual Management Center – This tool can help get detailed accountability of the network presence of virtual machines. It monitors the current virtual switch of an ESX host and features granular controls, advanced reporting and virtual switch port awareness.

6. Fast Scale Composer with Virtual Manager – This tool is unique in that it deduplicates common operating system components. It removes the components and consolidates them into a back-end resource allowing the virtual environment to consolidate itself at a greater ratio and use storage more efficiently. It allows you to use systems with a high degree of efficiency that can even exceed traditional standards.

7. LeftHand Networks Virtual SAN Appliance – This takes the storage assigned to ESX hosts and pools to create an iSCSI storage area network that can be accessed by ESX hosts. It also offers LeftHand Network RAID protection for storage. With Network RAID, a collection of drives on one host are treated as a “drive” of a RAID set in a traditional array so that losing one host effectively uses the parity on the other local arrays.

Author Leo Hart

Leo Hart works for Custom Cloud as a specialist in customized virtual servers. Learn more about his expertise by reading his blog posts.



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