Legal Bud?

YOU MAY HAVE BEEN getting emails or comments on your MySpace profile advertising “legal bud”, “legal herb”, etc. Don’t believe them! The ads are coming from servers in Hong Kong, and their IP addresses change every few minutes. It is believed that the sites are set up just to collect credit card numbers.

Legal Bud?

We first saw their ads on our MySpace page, supposedly posted by a friend. He also kept posting ads for a MySpace Tracker, which would allow you to see some stats on who had visited your profile. We clicked on that ad, and found a very unsophisticated website. To get this tracker, you have to give them your MySpace login and password, and the fine print gives them permission to post bulletins and comments to your friends.

Next, we started getting the Legal Bud ads from this same friend. He swears he is not posting those, or the tracker ads.

My guess is that the Legal Bud ads are either coming from the Tracker people, or the Tracker people are allowing them to post the Bud ads. eWeek has an article about the Legal Bud today. Don’t give them your credit card number! Get high on life instead!

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